PHOTOGRAPHY & PHOTO EDITING DD 12/03 & 19/03/23 SUN , SUN 2 Days 16 hr (Special class for the deaf & hard-of-hearing) with Sign interpretation supported
Supported with Sign interpreter
Course Info
Course Title : Mobile Photography & Photo Editing
Course Fee课程学费
SG citizen >= 40 years old; SME (SC & PR) :SGD240.00 (Incl GST)
新加坡公民 >= 40岁,中小企业公民或PR员工:SGD240.00(Incl GST)
SG citizen aged 21-39 & PR:SGD400.00 (Incl GST)
21-39岁的公民或PR: SGD400.00 (Incl GST)
Course fee before subsidy: SGD800.00
课程原价: SGD800.00
SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) is applicable for course fee for SG citizen
Absentee payroll is applicable for SME & SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC) is appliable for the eligible companies.
公司员工可申请缺勤津贴 & 企业培训补贴
Eligible applicants can apply for funding under the Temasek Trust-CDC lifelong Learning Enabling Fund
Course Inquiry 课程询问
Vera (+65) 9430 0059, Karen: (+65) 9018 4057